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Personal Training
& Nutrition Coaching

Transform your health and work on your wellness goals with our Holistic nutrition plan and online or 1-1 personal training, guiding you towards a balanced lifestyle and sustainable, lasting results.

Natural Herbs

Consult with a Herbalist

Receive personalised care plan with our herbalist.


Check your health and find the source of the problem to start your healing journey.


Get holistic advice to optimise your well-being and tackle any unwanted health conditions through the use of natural methods and herbal medicine. 

Tropical Fruit Dessert

Detox & Parasite
Cleanse Programe

Renew your body and reclaim your vitality with our detox and parasite cleanse package including herbal tinctures and a diet program, designed to eliminate toxins, parasites, or fungi to restore optimal health from the inside out.

Get rid of brain fog, bloating, indigestion, fatigue, or poor fat loss, begin with a detox and apply supporting meal plan to get long-lasting results. 

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